- Allergy
- Pediatric Allergy
- Allergic and Non-Allergic Rhinitis
- Allergic Skin Diseases
- Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- Clinical Immunology/Immunodeficiency
- Environmental Allergy
Board Certification
American Board of Allergy & ImmunologyAmerican Board of Internal MedicinePatient Rating
4.8 /5( out of 259 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
January 25, 2025MIDVALLEYDoctor was Quick In-N-Out I have a lunch date. I'm not really here to go into details. People need to understand what they're even doing because the doctor won't answer any of your questions.
January 22, 2025MIDVALLEYAlways the best!
January 03, 2025MIDVALLEYDr. Shum was an amazing listener and, of course, knows allergies inside-out. She was very helpful, supportive and kind throughout the allergy-testing process and also recommended referring me to additional providers with other specialties to make sure we cover(ed) our bases.
December 27, 2024UNIVERSITY OF UTAH MIDVALLEY HEALTH CENTERShe was very kind and professional.
December 20, 2024UNIVERSITY OF UTAH MIDVALLEY HEALTH CENTERSuper friendly and Compassionate.
December 13, 2024UNIVERSITY OF UTAH MIDVALLEY HEALTH CENTERDr Shum goes above and beyond to listen to my questions and clearly answers them. She takes extra time and does not rush!
December 12, 2024UNIVERSITY OF UTAH MIDVALLEY HEALTH CENTERMili shum, MD is awesome thank you very much for your help
November 27, 2024UNIVERSITY OF UTAH MIDVALLEY HEALTH CENTERDr. Shum was helpful in explaining the process of getting allergy tested. She provided information about options for treatment, and helped me better understand what may be causing symptoms.
November 24, 2024SUGAR HOUSE HEALTH CENTERVery thorough and respectful
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Dermatology -Primary Board Certification American Board of Allergy & ImmunologyAmerican Board of Internal MedicineEducation history
Fellowship Allergy/Immunology - SUNY Downstate ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ Sciences ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ Clinical Fellow Residency Internal Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center Resident Professional Medical Medicine - ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ of Utah School of Medicine M.D. Undergraduate Biochemistry and Biology - ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ of Utah B.S. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Witonsky J, Abraham R, Toh J, Desai T, Shum M, Rosenstreich D, Jariwala SP (2018). The association of environmental, meteorological, and pollen count variables with asthma-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations in the Bronx. J Asthma, 56(9), 927-937. ()
- Shum M, Ren Z, Achar K, Jerschow E (2016). Intraoperative anaphylaxis to latex possibly facilitated by the administration of oxytocin and vasopressin. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract, 4(4), 773-6. ()
- Jariwala S, Toh J, Shum M, de Vos G, Zou K, Sindher S, Patel P, Geevarghese A, Tavdy A, Rosenstreich D (2013). The association between asthma-related emergency department visits and pollen and mold spore concentrations in the Bronx, 2001-2008. J Asthma, 51(1), 79-83. ()
- Hsieh SJ, Shum M, Lee AN, Hasselmark F, Gong MN (2013). Cigarette smoking as a risk factor for delirium in hospitalized and intensive care unit patients. A systematic review. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 10(5), 496-503. ()
- Buczek P, Orr RS, Pyper SR, Shum M, Kimmel E, Ota I, Gerum SE, Horvath MP (2005). Binding linkage in a telomere DNA-protein complex at the ends of Oxytricha nova chromosomes. J Mol Biol, 350(5), 938-52. ()
- Kotlyar DS, Shum M, Hsieh J, Blonski W, Greenwald DA (2013). Non-pulmonary allergic diseases and inflammatory bowel disease: a qualitative review. World J Gastroenterol, 20(32), 11023-32. ()
- Shum M, Jerschow E (2017). Reply. [Letter to the editor]. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract, 5(3), 873-874. ()
- Shum M, Jariwala SP, Rosenstreich D (2011). Successful C1 inhibitor prophylaxis during zenker diverticulum repair in a patient with hereditary angioedema. [Letter to the editor]. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 108(2), 126-8. ()
News & Podcasts
- ¿Es un virus? ¿O son sólo mis alergias?
- Experiencing seasonal allergies? You aren't alone
- Food Allergies Can Be Dangerous!
- The Time to Prepare for Spring Allergies is Now
- Uncover Your Triggers With Allergy Testing: 5 Common Questions Answered
- Descubre tus desencadenantes con pruebas de alergia: 5 preguntas comunes respondidas
- Am I Having an Asthma Attack?
- What to Know if Your Child Has Asthma