Board Certification
American Board of Surgery (Sub: Pediatric Surgery)Patient Rating
4.4 /5( out of 35 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
December 18, 2024PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTERHe was very kind and explained to me in detail all the necessary information about my son's health problem. He gave me the confidence to know that he would be in expert hands at the time of surgery. [TRANSLATED]
September 06, 2024PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTERDr Fenton was really good with our daughter! I would reccomend him to anybody.
June 07, 2024EXTERNAL SITEVery confident in Dr Fenton's ability as a doctor but the entire appointment felt rushed. What is very common in his world (a hernia surgery on a one month old baby) is completely terrifying to new parents and I didn't feel any understanding or sympathy in that regard. Scheduling the actual surgery appointment (this appointment was only the initial consult) was like pulling teeth with little to no direction on next steps for the upcoming surgery.
April 20, 2024PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTERDr. Fenton was very caring with our 12 year old. He explained what was happening, and how he could fix it.. post surgery went well. A very professional and courteous Dr.
March 20, 2024EXTERNAL SITEDr Fenton is a wonderful surgeon who makes his patients feel heard. He is knowledgeable and compassionate. He is willing to answer questions and doesn't make patients feel awkward for asking questions. His staff is knowledgeable, caring and very helpful.
July 04, 2023PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTERBest experience with Dr Fenton. We would highly recommend him to anyone
May 31, 2023PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTERHe didnt listen well to our thoughts, concerns, and questions. We felt rushed and had to push to get him to seriously treat, or order tests for, one of the diagnoses for which we saw him.
March 23, 2023PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTERGreat at explaining what needed to be done, and did a great job with the procedure
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Surgery -Primary Academic Divisions Pediatric Surgery
Board Certification American Board of Surgery (Sub: Pediatric Surgery)Education history
Fellowship Pediatric Surgery - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Fellow Chief Resident General Surgery - гƵ of Utah Chief Resident Residency General Surgery - гƵ of Utah Resident Professional Medical Medicine - Creighton гƵ School of Medicine M.D. Undergraduate Spanish - гƵ of Utah B.A. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Scaife JH, Clinker CE, Alexander AJ, Iantorno SE, Eldredge RS, Swendiman RA, Fenton SJ, Russell KW (2024). Association of Initiation of Statewide Pediatric Trauma Collaborative and Hospital Preventable Transfer Rates. J Pediatr Surg, 162004. ()
- Scaife JH, Hewes HA, Iantorno SE, Clinker CE, Fenton SJ, Skarda DE, Kastenberg ZJ, Swendiman RA, Russell KW (2024). Optimizing patient selection for ECMO after pediatric hypothermic cardiac arrest. Injury, 111731. ()
- Yang MJ, Ellsworth TS, Woodward PJ, Kennedy AM, Fenton SJ, Russell KW, Byrne JLB, Yost CC, Yoder BA (2024). Comparison of current to past outcomes in congenital diaphragmatic hernia using mri observed-to-expected total fetal lung volume. J Perinatol, 44(9), 1347-1352. ()
- Eldredge RS, Moore Z, Smith J, Barnes K, Norton SP, Larsen K, Padilla BE, Swendiman RA, Fenton SJ, Russell KW (2024). A Pediatric Teletrauma Program Pilot Project: Improves Access to Pediatric Trauma Care and Timely Assessment of Pediatric Traumas. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. ()
- HIP Trial Investigators, Blakely ML, Krzyzaniak A, Dassinger MS, Pedroza C, Weitkamp JH, Gosain A, Cotten M, Hintz SR, Rice H, Courtney SE, Lally KP, Ambalavanan N, Bendel CM, Bui KCT, Calkins C, Chandler NM, Dasgupta R, Davis JM, Deans K, DeUgarte DA, Gander J, Jackson CA, Keszler M, Kling K, Fenton SJ, Fisher KA, Hartman T, Huang EY, Islam S, Koch F, Lainwala S, Lesher A, Lopez M, Misra M, Overbey J, Poindexter B, Russell R, Stylianos S, Tamura DY, Yoder BA, Lucas D, Shaul D, Ham PB 3rd, Fitzpatrick C, Calkins K, Garrison A, de la Cruz D, Abdessalam S, Kvasnovsky C, Segura BJ, Shilyansky J, Smith LM, Tyson JE (2024). Effect of Early vs Late Inguinal Hernia Repair on Serious Adverse Event Rates in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA, 331(12), 1035-1044. ()
- Russell KW, Iantorno SE, Iyer RR, Brockmeyer DL, Smith KM, Polukoff NE, Larsen KE, Barnes KL, Bell TM, Fenton SJ, Inaba K, Swendiman RA (2023). Pediatric Cervical Spine Clearance: A 10-year Evaluation of Multi-Detector Computed Tomography at a Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. ()
- Fenton SJ, Swendiman RA, Eyre M, Larsen K, Russell KW (2023). The Utah Pediatric Trauma Network, a statewide pediatric trauma collaborative can safely help non-pediatric hospitals admit гƵren with mild traumatic brain injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. ()
- Ryan S, Fenton SJ, Hansen K, Hewes HA (2022). Sledding Accidents at a Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center Between 2006 and 2016. Pediatr Emerg Care, 38(6), e1291-e1293. ()
- Russell KW, Katz MG, Phillips RC, Kelley-Quon LI, Acker SN, Shahi N, Lee JH, Fialkowski EA, Nacharaju D, Smith CA, Jensen AR, Mueller CM, Padilla BE, Ignacio RC, Ourshalimian S, Wang KS, Ostlie DJ, Fenton SJ, Kastenberg ZJ, Western Pediatric Surgery Research Consortium (2022). Adolescent Vaping-Associated Trauma in the Western United States. J Surg Res, 276, 251-255. ()
- Cox KJ, Yang MJ, Fenton SJ, Russell KW, Yost CC, Yoder BA (2022). Operative repair in congenital diaphragmatic hernia: How long do we really need to wait? J Pediatr Surg, 57(9), 17-23. ()
- Taylor MA, Lewis AE, Swendiman RA, Fenton SJ, Russell KW (2021). Interest in Improving Access to Pediatric Trauma Care Through Telemedicine. J Med Syst, 45(12), 108. ()
- Taylor MA, Rohan AV, Runyon LA, Fenton SJ, Russell KW (2020). The "non-preventable" preventable transfer? An analysis of the care from support services that injured гƵren transferred to a level 1 pediatric trauma center receive. J Pediatr Surg, 56(9), 1638-1642. ()
- Yang MJ, Russell KW, Yoder BA, Fenton SJ (2021). Congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a narrative review of controversies in neonatal management. Transl Pediatr, 10(5), 1432-1447. ()
- Swendiman RA, Abramov A, Fenton SJ, Russell KW, Nance ML, Nace GW Jr, Iii MA (2021). Use of angioembolization in pediatric polytrauma patients: WITH BLUNT SPLENIC INJURYAngioembolization in Pediatric Blunt Splenic Injury. J Pediatr Surg, 56(11), 2045-2051. ()
- Pruitt LCC, Kastenberg ZJ, Fenton SJ, Short SS (2020). Early use of autologous blood patch pleurodesis in гƵren is successful in resolving persistent air leaks. J Pediatr Surg, 56(3), 629-631. ()
- Taylor MA, Knochel ML, Proctor SJ, Brockmeyer DL, Runyon LA, Fenton SJ, Russell KW (2020). Pediatric trauma telemedicine in a rural state: Lessons learned from a 1-year experience. J Pediatr Surg, 56(2), 385-389. ()
- Taylor MA 2nd, Hewes HA, Bolinger CD, Fenton SJ, Russell KW (2020). Established Time Goals Can Increase the Efficiency of Trauma Resuscitation. Cureus, 12(8), e9524. ()
- Neumayer KE, Sweney J, Fenton SJ, Keenan HT, Flaherty BF (2019). Validation of the "CHIIDA" and application for PICU triage in гƵren with complicated mild traumatic brain injury. J Pediatr Surg, 55(7), 1255-1259. ()
- Yang MJ, Fenton S, Russell K, Yost CC, Yoder BA (2020). Left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia: can we improve survival while decreasing ECMO? J Perinatol, 40(6), 935-942. ()
- Yang MJ, Russell KW, Yoder BA, Fenton SJ (2020). Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Controversies in Neonatal Management. In Press, May 2020.
- Swendiman RA, Goldshore MA, Fenton SJ, Nance ML (2019). Defining the role of angioembolization in pediatric isolated blunt solid organ injury. J Pediatr Surg, 55(4), 688-692. ()
- Fenton SJ, Hunt MM, Ropski PS, Scaife ER, Russell KW (2019). Use of ECMO support in pediatric patients with severe thoracic trauma. J Pediatr Surg, 54(11), 2358-2362. ()
- Rosenfeld EH, Vogel AM, Jafri M, Burd R, Russell R, Beaudin M, Sandler A, Thakkar R, Falcone RA Jr, Wills H, Upperman J, Burke RV, Escobar MA Jr, Klinkner DB, Gaines BA, Gosain A, Campbell BT, Mooney D, Stallion A, Fenton SJ, Prince JM, Juang D, Kreykes N, Naik-Mathuria BJ (2019). Management and outcomes of peripancreatic fluid collections and pseudocysts following non-operative management of pancreatic injuries in гƵren. Pediatr Surg Int, 35(8), 861-867. ()
- Sekhon MK, Fenton SJ, Yoder BA (2019). Comparison of early postnatal prediction models for survival in congenital diaphragmatic hernia. J Perinatol, 39(5), 654-660. ()
- Short SS, Fenton SJ, Scaife ER, Bucher BT (2017). Helmet under-utilization by гƵren during equestrian events is associated with increased traumatic brain injury. J Pediatr Surg, 53(3), 545-547. ()
- Scaife ER, Rollins MD, Barnhart DC, Downey EC, Black RE, Meyers RL, Stevens MH, Gordon S, Prince JS, Battaglia D, Fenton SJ, Plumb J, Metzger RR (2013). The role of focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) in pediatric trauma evaluation. J Pediatr Surg, 48(6), 1377-83. ()
- Tyner RP, Clifton GT, Fenton SJ (2013). Hand-sewn gastrojejunostomy using knotless unidirectional barbed absorbable suture during laparoscopic gastric bypass. Surg Endosc, 27(4), 1360-6. ()
- Parikh A, Alley JB, Peterson RM, Harnisch MC, Pfluke JM, Tapper DM, Fenton SJ (2012). Management options for symptomatic stenosis after laparoscopic vertical sleeve gastrectomy in the morbidly obese. Surg Endosc, 26(3), 738-46. ()
- Alley JB, Fenton SJ, Harnisch MC, Tapper DN, Pfluke JM, Peterson RM (2012). Quality of life after sleeve gastrectomy and adjustable gastric banding. Surg Obes Relat Dis, 8(1), 31-40. ()
- Alley JB, Fenton SJ, Harnisch MC, Angeletti MN, Peterson RM (2011). Integrated bioabsorbable tissue reinforcement in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Obes Surg, 21(8), 1311-5. ()
- Yu S, Poe B, Schwarz M, Elliot SA, Albertine KH, Fenton S, Garg V, Moon AM (2010). Fetal and postnatal lung defects reveal a novel and required role for Fgf8 in lung development. Dev Biol, 347(1), 92-108. ()
- Alley JB, Fenton SJ, Peterson RM (2009). The "Tip-Stitch": a time-saving technique for specimen extraction in sleeve gastrectomy. Obes Surg, 19(7), 926-7. ()
- Fenton SJ, Peterson DN, Connors RC, Hansen KW, Metzger RR, Scaife ER (2009). A standard pediatric trauma laboratory panel: a plea for a minimalist approach. J Trauma, 66(3), 703-6. ()
- Pastor AC, Phillips JD, Fenton SJ, Meyers RL, Lamm AW, Raval MV, Lehman E, Karp TB, Wales PW, Langer JC (2008). Routine use of a SILASTIC spring-loaded silo for infants with gastroschisis: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. J Pediatr Surg, 43(10), 1807-12. ()
- Adams DM, Fenton SJ, Schirmer BD, Mahvi DM, Horvath K, Nichol P (2008). One size does not fit all: current disposable laparoscopic devices do not fit the needs of female laparoscopic surgeons. Surg Endosc, 22(10), 2310-3. ()
- Vogler SA, Fenton SJ, Scaife ER, Book LS, Jackson D, Nichol PF, Meyers RL (2008). Closed gastroschisis: total parenteral nutrition-free survival with aggressive attempts at bowel preservation and intestinal adaptation. J Pediatr Surg, 43(6), 1006-10. ()
- Brant-Zawadzki PB, Fenton SJ, Nichol PF, Matlak ME, Scaife ER (2007). The split abdominal wall muscle flap repair for large congenital diaphragmatic hernias on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. J Pediatr Surg, 42(6), 1047-50; discussion 1051. ()
- Fenton SJ, Dodgion CM, Meyers RL, Nichol PF, Scaife ER (2007). Temporary abdominal vacuum-packing closure in the neonatal intensive care unit. J Pediatr Surg, 42(6), 957-60; discussion 960-1. ()
- Anderson RC, Scaife ER, Fenton SJ, Kan P, Hansen KW, Brockmeyer DL (2006). Cervical spine clearance after trauma in гƵren. J Neurosurg, 105(5 Suppl), 361-4. ()
- Fenton SJ, Scaife ER, Meyers RL, Hansen KW, Firth SD (2005). The prevalence of driveway back-over injuries in the era of sports utility vehicles. J Pediatr Surg, 40(12), 1964-8. ()
- Fenton SJ, Hansen KW, Meyers RL, Vargo DJ, White KS, Firth SD, Scaife ER (2004). CT scan and the pediatric trauma patient--are we overdoing it? J Pediatr Surg, 39(12), 1877-81. ()
- Sato K, Awad ZT, Filipi CJ, Selima MA, Cummings JE, Fenton SJ, Hinder RA (2002). Causes of long-term dysphagia after laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. JSLS, 6(1), 35-40. ()
- Zielinski CM, Mittal SK, Anderson P, Cummings J, Fenton SJ, Reiland-Smith J, Frock JT, DunlayRW (2001). Delayed superficialization of brachiobasilic fistula: technique and initial experience. Arch Surg, 136(8), 929-32.
- Mittal SK, Filipi CJ, Anderson PI, Fenton SJ, Cummings JE, Cornet D, Quinn TH, Fitzgibbons Jr RJ (1999). Additional mechanisms of hiatal hernia recurrence and its prevention. Hernia, 3(4), 215-20.
Book Chapter
- Fenton SJ, Connors RC (2007). Section 5: Surgery. In Clement M, Caughey A, Foti J, Lyell D, McLoone J, Nelson E, Piatt J, Shinar B, Tran S. (Eds.), Q&A for Step 2. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Fenton SJ, Connors RC (2007). Section 5: Surgery. In Clement M, Caughey A, Foti J, Lyell D, McLoone J, Nelson E, Piatt J, Shinar B, Tran S (Eds.), Q&A for Step 3. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Case Report
- Taylor MA 2nd, Spanos SP, Fenton SJ, Russell KW (2020). Ball Magnets Clicked Together on the Epiglottis. Cureus, 12(5), e8181. ()
- Fenton SJ, Blinman TA, Cook RC, Collins JL (2014). Surgical management of a retrohepatic inferior vena cava injury following blunt abdominal trauma. J Pediatr Surg Case Rep, 2(11), 501-504.
- Laje P, Fenton SJ, Peranteau WH (2013). Total colonic Hirschsprung’s disease and anorectal malformation in a baby with Pallister-Hall syndrome. J Pediatr Surg, 1(9), 308-10.
- Fenton SJ, Fitzpatrick CM (2012). A modified laparoscopic esophagogastric dissociation for severe bile reflux in a neurologically impaired гƵ. J Pediatr Surg, 47(10), 1922-5. ()
- Adams D, Fenton SJ, Nichol PF (2007). Streptococcal pancreatitis and toxic shock syndrome in a 2-month-old infant. J Pediatr Surg, 42(1), 261-3. ()
- Privette A, Fenton SJ, Mone MC, Kennedy AM, Nelson EW (2005). Desmoid tumor: a case of mistaken identity. Breast J, 11(1), 60-4. ()
- Campbell S, Lee JH, Stevens AM, Zhang C, Presson APP, Fenton SJ (2015). Preventable Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Admissions of Injured Children over a 15-year period at a Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center; Presented at Pediatric Trauma Society, Scottsdale, AZ, November 06, 2015 [Abstract].
- Fenton SJ, Sandoval K, Stevens AM, Scaife ER (2015). The utilization of angiography in pediatric blunt trauma patients, presented at Pediatric Trauma Society, Scottsdale, AZ, November 07, 2015 [Abstract].
- Naik-Mathuria B, and members of the Pediatric Trauma Study Group Falcone R, Mooney D, Fenton S, Vogel A, Upperman J, Burke R, Russell R, Burd R, Cambell B, Gourlay D, Gibbs D, Beaudin M, Abdessalam S, Gosain A, Puapong D, Kreykes N, Jacobs D, Hamner C, Kulp H, presented by B Naik-Mathuria at Pediatric Trauma Society Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, November 2015 (2015). Practice Variability in the Management of Pediatric Pancreatic Trauma [Abstract].
- Devlin AR, Barnhart DC, Scaife ER, Fenton SJ (2015). Appropriateness of transfusion in pediatric trauma patients. [Abstract]. Podium presentation by AR Devlin. 2015 Western Pediatric Trauma Conference, Deer Valley, Utah, July 2015.
- Pearson EG, Fenton SJ, Blinman TA (2013). Laparoscopic Ladd's Procedure Is a Safe and Effective Treatment for Intestinal Malrotation in Children With and Without Volvulus [Abstract]. 2013 AAP National Conference and Exhibition - Section on Surgery.
- Scaife ER, Rollins MD, Barnhart DC, Meyers RL, Black RE, Gordon S, Stevens MH, Prince JS, Battaglia D, Fenton SJ, Plumb J, Metzger RR (2012). The role of focused abdominal ultrasound for trauma (FAST) in pediatric trauma evaluation [Abstract]. 2012 AAP National Conference and Exhibition - Section on Surgery.
- Peterson RM, Fenton SJ (2012). Laparoscopic median arcuate ligament release [Abstract]. 14th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES).
- Alley JB, Parikh A, Fenton SJ, Tapper DN, Peterson RM (2011). Laparoscopic removal of adjustable gastric band with conversion to sleeve gastrectomy for failure of weight loss [Abstract]. 13th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Society of American Gastrointestinal and EndoscopicSurgeons (SAGES).
- Parikh A, Alley JB, Peterson RM, Harnisch MC, Pfluke JM, Tapper DN, Fenton SJ (2011). Management options for symptomatic stenosis following sleeve gastrectomy in the morbidly obese [Abstract]. 13th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Society of AmericanGastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES).
- Peterson RM, Alley JB, Fenton SJ, Tapper DN (2010). Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band removal and revision to sleeve gastrectomy [Abstract]. 96th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons.
- Scaife ER, Fenton SJ, Hansen KW, Metzger RR (2008). Utilization of the focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) exam at pediatric and adult trauma centers [Abstract]. 39th Annual Meeting of the American Pediatric Surgical Association.
- Pastor A, Phillips JD, Fenton SJ, Meyers RL, Lamm A, Raval MV, Lehman E, Karp TB, Wales PW, Langer JC (2007). Routine use of a Silastic Spring-Loaded Silo for Infants with Gastroschisis: A Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial [Abstract]. Section on Surgery of the 2007 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition.
- Vogler SA, Fenton SJ, Scaife ER, Book LS, Jackson D, Nichol PF, Meyers RL (2007). Closed Gastroschisis: TPN-Free Survival with Aggressive Attempts at Bowel Preservation and Intestinal Adaptation [Abstract]. Section on Surgery of the 2007 American Academy of PediatricsNational Conference and Exhibition.
- Adams D, Fenton SJ, Schirmer BD, Mahvi DM, Horvath K, Nichol PF (2007). A “One Size Fits All” Approach is Not Meeting the Needs of a Growing Percentage of Women Surgeons Who are Using Disposable Laparoscopic Instruments [Abstract]. 9th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES).
- Fenton SJ, Reuben BC, Black RE, Nichol PF (2007). Recent In-Hospital Outcomes of Esophageal Atresia Based on a Large National Database [Abstract]. 40th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons.
- Brant-Zawadzki PB, Fenton SJ, Nichol PF, Scaife ER (2006). The Split Abdominal Wall Muscle Flap Repair for Large Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias on ECMO [Abstract]. Section on Surgery of the 2006 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition.
- Connors RC, Fenton SJ, Sorenson TK, Sklow B (2006). Incidence and Characteristics of Clostridium difficile Infection in Patients Undergoing Elective Colorectal Surgery [Abstract]. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons.
- Connors RC, Fenton SJ, Sorensen TK, Vezina DP, Neumayer LA, Bull DA (2006). Can Pre-operative Echocardiography Predict Post-operative Atrial Arrhythmias? [Abstract]. 30th Annual Meeting of the Association VA Surgeons.
- Kimball EJ, Fenton SJ, Morris D, Patch R, Lilyquist M, Hansen HJ, Cannon P, Akash B, Barton RG, Wolfe T (2006). The Use of Pharmacologic Neuromuscular Blockade in the Management of Elevated Intraabdominal Pressure in ICU patients [Abstract]. 35th Annual Critical CareCongress of the Society of Critical Care Medicine.
- Russell KW, Katz MG, Phillips RC, Kelley-Quon LI, Acker SN, Shahi N, Lee JH, Fialkowski EA, Nacharaju D, Smith CA, Jensen AR, Mueller CM, Padilla BE, Ignacio RC, Ourshalimian S, Wang KS, Ostlie DJ, Fenton SJ, Kastenberg ZJ, Western Pediatric Surgery Research Consortium (2023). Corrigendum to Adolescent Vaping-Associated Trauma in the Western United States [J Surg Res. 2022 Aug;276:251-255]. J Surg Res (294, pp. 247-248). United States. ()
- Fenton SJ (2022). Local mother, father, baby reunite with medical staff after Utah's first in-utero fetal surgery [Web]. East Idaho News. Available: https://www.eastidahonews.com/2022/04/local-mother-father-baby-reunite-with-medical-staff-after-utahs-first-in-utero-fetal-surgery/?utm_source=ourcommunitynow&utm_medium=web.
- Fenton SJ (2022). First Patient to Undergo in-Utero Fetal Surgery Reunites with Intermountain Primary Children's Hospital, U of U гƵ Medical Team [Web]. Digital Journal. Available: https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/first-patient-to-undergo-in-utero-fetal-surgery-reunites-with-intermountain-primary-гƵrens-hospital-u-of-u-health-medical-team.
- Fenton SJ (2022). Realizan cirugía exitosa a feto con espina bífida en Utah [Web]. Telemundo Utah. Available: https://www.telemundoutah.com/local/realizan-cirugia-exitosa-a-feto-con-espina-bifida-en-utah/2130828/.
- Fenton SJ (2022). First Mom and Baby In-Utero Fetal Surgery in Utah Reunited with Intermountain Primary Children’s and U of U гƵ Medical Team [Web]. Yahoo.com, GlobeNewswire. Available: https://www.yahoo.com/now/first-mom-baby-utero-fetal-174000159.html.
- Fenton SJ (2022). Mom, infant reunite with hospital staff 1 year after Utah's first in-utero fetal surgery [Web]. MSN.com. Available: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/mom-infant-reunite-with-hospital-staff-1-year-after-utahs-first-in-utero-fetal-surgery/ar-AAWbfUA#:~:text=A%20mother%20and%20infant%20who%20underwent%20an%20in-utero,the%20Eccles%20Outpatient%20Building%20Wednesday%20at%2011%20a.m..
- Fenton SJ (2022). Idaho parents, baby reunite with doctors who performed life-saving surgery [Web]. Local News 8. Available: https://localnews8.com/news/idaho-falls/2022/04/13/idaho-parents-baby-reunite-with-doctors-who-performed-life-saving-surgery/.
- Fenton SJ (2022). Utah's first in utero surgery was for Idaho girl with spina bifida [Web]. Deseret News. Available: https://www.deseret.com/utah/2022/4/14/23025336/only-beginning-medical-team-family-celebrate-utahs-first-in-utero-surgery#:~:text=Utah's%20first%20in%20utero%20surgery,with%20spina%20bifida%20%2D%20Deseret%20News&text=Nick%2C%20left%2C%20and%20Alisha%20Keyworth,Wednesday%2C%20April%2013%2C%202022..
- Fenton SJ (2021). What is Funnel Chest and How is it Treated? Available: /the-scope, U гƵ гƵ of Utah - The Scope. [Web].
- Fenton SJ (2021). What is Pigeon Chest and How is it Treated? Available: /the-scope, U гƵ гƵ of Utah - The Scope. [Web].
- Fenton SJ (2015). Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Your Basic Questions Answered. Available: /the-scope, U гƵ гƵ of Utah - The Scope. [Web].
News & Podcasts
- What Is Funnel Chest and How Is It Treated?
- Utah Fetal Center: High-Risk Pregnancy Care in one Place
- What Is Pigeon Chest and How Is it Treated?
- Pediatric Teratoma: What It Is and How It's Treated
- What You Need to Know After a CDH Diagnosis
- Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Your Basic Questions Answered