- Cardiology
- Clinical Lipid Specialist
- Echocardiography
Board Certification
American Board of Clinical LipidologyAmerican Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine)National Board of Medical ExaminersPatient Rating
4.9 /5( out of 50 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
December 19, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSDr Wilcox was very friendly and personable. She answered any and all questions I had regarding my health care.
December 17, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSShe is very nice and seems to care about helping me with my heart problem
December 13, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSDr. Wilcox was knowledgeable and helpful in caring for my health concerns. She showed kindness and patience in handling any questions or issues that I presented to her.
November 11, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSShe is a wonderful, thoughtful doctor and cares about my health.
November 08, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSBrief meeting; would liked a bit more time to find out what she assessed from our brief meeting.
November 05, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSDr. Wilcox is excellent! I feel lucky to have a provider who is able to understand and treat a genetic lipid disorder.
October 19, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSKind and knowledgeable.
October 09, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSDr. Wilcox was fantastic. She spent a great deal of time going over my history, getting a good understanding of me, and discussing options. She was very willing to listen and educate. One of the best appointments I have had in a long time!
October 04, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSTanya was attentive and asked for my input
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Internal Medicine -Primary Academic Divisions Cardiovascular Medicine
Board Certification American Board of Clinical LipidologyAmerican Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine)National Board of Medical ExaminersEducation history
Fellowship Cardiology - New York ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ Grossman School of Medicine Fellow Chief Resident Internal Medicine - New York ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ Grossman School of Medicine Chief Resident Residency Internal Medicine - New York ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ Grossman School of Medicine Resident Certification Clinical Research Methods - New York ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ Clinical and Translational Science Institute Certificate Internship Internal Medicine - New York ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ Grossman School of Medicine Intern Professional Medical Medicine - ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ of California, Irvine School of Medicine M.D. Undergraduate Ecology and Evolutionary Biology - Princeton ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ B.A. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Wilcox T, Smilowitz NR, Seda B, Xia Y, Hochman J, Berger JS (2022). Sex Differences in Thrombosis and Mortality in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19. Am J Cardiol, 170, 112-117. ()
- Wilcox T, Smilowitz NR, Xia Y, Beckman JA, Berger JS (2020). Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Perioperative Myocardial Infarction After Noncardiac Surgery. Can J Cardiol, 37(2), 224-231. ()
- Wilcox T, Smilowitz NR, Xia Y, Berger JS (2019). Cardiovascular Risk Scores to Predict Perioperative Stroke in Noncardiac Surgery. Stroke, 50(8), 2002-2006. ()
- Wilcox T, Newman JD, Maldonado TS, Rockman C, Berger JS (2018). Peripheral vascular disease risk in diabetic individuals without coronary heart disease. Atherosclerosis, 275, 419-425. ()
- Newman JD, Wilcox T, Smilowitz NR, Berger JS (2018). Influence of Diabetes on Trends in Perioperative Cardiovascular Events. Diabetes Care, 41(6), 1268-1274. ()
- Sunseri M, Ahuja T, Wilcox T, Green D (2018). Acquired Coagulopathy and Hemorrhage Secondary to Subcutaneous Heparin Prophylaxis. Case Rep Hematol, 2018, 9501863. ()
- Pitzer VE, Viboud C, Alonso WJ, Wilcox T, Metcalf CJ, Steiner CA, Haynes AK, Grenfell BT (2015). Environmental drivers of the spatiotemporal dynamics of respiratory syncytial virus in the United States. PLoS Pathog, 11(1), e1004591. ()
- Tran MH, Lin DM, Wilcox T, Schiro D, Cannesson M, Milliken J (2014). Effects of a multimodality blood conservation schema toward improvement of intraoperative hemoglobin levels and off-pump transfusions in coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Transfusion, 54(10 Pt 2), 2769-74. ()
- Tran MH, Wilcox T, Tran PN (2019). Catheter-related right atrial thrombosis. [Review]. J Vasc Access, 21(3), 300-307. ()
- Wilcox T, De Block C, Schwartzbard AZ, Newman JD (2020). Diabetic Agents, From Metformin to SGLT2 Inhibitors and GLP1 Receptor Agonists: JACC Focus Seminar. [Review]. J Am Coll Cardiol, 75(16), 1956-1974. ()
Clinical Trials