The Momentum of Discovery
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Grand America Hotel
Salt Lake City, Utah
Thanks to all those who joined us at the Celebration of 25 years since the first phase of Huntsman Cancer Institute opened it's doors. The evening was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the amazing work of the last 25 years and look forward to the future.

That evening, a new giving society was formed, Founders25. Individuals who contributed $2,500 or more are part of this new group. Thank you to the following donors:
Puneet Ahuja
Jesselie and A. Scott Anderson
Kathy and Douglas Anderson, PhD
Roger and Susan Arsht
Russ Bell
Curtis Blair
Elisa and Gregory Brough
Lanna and Bradley Cairns, PhD
Dinesh & Kalpana Patel Foundation
Lori and Paul Fenton
Rory Gagon
Andrea and Brian Garry
Brandon Gordon
Chris Hendricksen
Larry Howell
Sarah Jarman
Rick Lethbridge Jr.
Philip Lister
Shawn Miller
Greg Paige
Janet and President Taylor Randall, PhD
Elder and Sister Ronald A. Rasband
Erica Marino and Douglas Sborov, MD
Julie and Val Stokes
Kassandra and David Stryker
Connie and John Ward, MD
Jennifer and Clark Whitworth
Dates for 2026 TBD