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How Fit Are You Compared to Other People Your Age?
人妻中出视频 Employee/Student
PEAK's fitness assessment is an excellent way to get a picture of how your fitness compares to others in your age group so you can make attainable, realistic, and healthful fitness goals.
Our fitness assessment package includes the following tests:
- Submaximal aerobic fitness test
- Upper body strength (push-ups)
- Flexibility (sit and reach)
*Up to $30 savings compared to prices of individual tests
General Information
- 60 minute appointment
- Bring comfortable exercise clothing
Submaximal Aerobic Test: What to Expect
- A submaximal aerobic test involves exercising 75-85% predicted max heart rate
- Generally completed on bicycle ergometer
- Heart rate and workload are used to predict maximum oxygen uptake
- Great test to determine cardiovascular fitness
- Test takes approximately 12-15 minutes
- Results are available immediately after the test is completed