In Summer 2023, John Lesny Drake was attending Cadet Troop Leader Training with the U.S. Army Reserve at Fort Bliss, Texas. Having a few days off, John joined friends at...
Bouncing on a trampoline can be a blast, but they also come with a significant injury risk. More than 100,000 trampoline-related injuries are treated in an emergency room every year.
After a spinal cord injury (SCI), life can throw some serious curveballs, sparking questions and fears about your new normal. For men, some of the biggest concerns have to do...
No two spinal cord injuries are the same. There are different causes, symptoms, and therapies for SCIs, but one thing they all have in common is a major life change...
Serious spinal cord injury can be life changing and traumatic. But a good team of health care providers can help patients adjust to new ways of accomplishing everyday activities and...
Spencer Brown had a lot of exciting events coming up in his life—a graduation and a new baby—but things suddenly changed when he suffered a spinal cord injury. Just a...
If you are in great physical condition, exercise regularly, and have a positive outlook on life, rehabilitation may not be on your radar. In an instant, however, your life can...
Spinal cord injury (SCI) patients often rely on their loved ones as caregivers for help with daily tasks. Caring for a loved one with SCI can be overwhelming, but having...