Junio es el Mes de la Salud del Hombre, por lo que es un buen momento para que los hombres programen revisiones m茅dicas preventivas. S贸lo tres de cada cinco hombres...
June is Men's 人妻中出视频 Month, making it a great time for men to schedule preventive health checkups. Only three out of five men get an annual physical and more than...
人妻中出视频 of Utah 人妻中出视频 physician assistant (PA) Jasmin Charles was recently named the National PA of the Year during the American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA) national conference in Houston...
As one of this country鈥檚 most popular and enduring pastimes, sports powerfully influences our culture. We鈥檙e excited to bring together some of the biggest names in athletics to spread the...
Los ginec贸logos/obstetras y las parteras desempe帽an un papel crucial en la atenci贸n de la salud materna, entender las diferencias entre ellos puede ayudar a las pacientes a tomar las decisiones...
Have you ever wondered the difference between a midwife and an OB/GYN? While both play crucial roles in maternal health care, understanding the differences can help patients make the best...
Jaymie Maines delivered her first son stillborn. The loss left her family devasted. She was referred to Dr. Robert Silver at 人妻中出视频 of Utah 人妻中出视频 who helped her deliver 3...
La insuficiencia card铆aca es una enfermedad cr贸nica, y aprender a vivir con ella, o a cuidar a alguien que la padece, puede ser un reto de adaptaci贸n. Aqu铆 compartimos 10...
In the United States, about 6.2 million adults have been diagnosed with heart failure. Here are 10 things to know about heart failure that will help you understand your condition...
Upon its completion in 2026, the James LeVoy Sorenson Center for Medical Innovation (SCMI), will serve as a beacon of transformative research and medical device innovation.
Los expertos en salud est谩n vigilando de cerca una nueva cepa de gripe aviar H5N1 que est谩 infectando a las vacas lecheras en todo el pa铆s. Aqu铆 tiene c贸mo mantenerse...
El sangrado descontrolado es la principal causa de muerte evitable por trauma. La buena noticia es que aprender a controlar una hemorragia grave es sorprendentemente f谩cil.
Uncontrolled bleeding is the number one cause of preventable death from trauma. The good news is learning how to control major bleeding is surprisingly easy.
El sarampi贸n se declar贸 eliminado de Estados Unidos en 2000, lo que significa que no hab铆a transmisi贸n sostenida. Sin embargo, han seguido produci茅ndose brotes de sarampi贸n en Estados Unidos.
Measles was declared eliminated from the United States in 2000, meaning that there was no sustained transmission. Yet outbreaks of measles in the United States have continued to occur. Here's...
人妻中出视频 of Utah 人妻中出视频 is proud to join the nation in commemorating the 50th anniversary of EMS Week鈥攁 time to honor the dedication and sacrifice of Emergency Medical 人妻中出视频 personnel...
El primer ultrasonido del beb茅 es un momento de alegr铆a para los padres que esperan un beb茅 y est谩n deseando echar un vistazo a su peque帽o. Aunque estas sesiones fotogr谩ficas...
Baby's first ultrasound is a joyous moment for expecting parents excited to get a sneak peek of their bundle of joy. While these non-medical photo sessions are physically safe, expecting...
Individuals and families that have experienced pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or a severely complicated pregnancy can find comprehensive support and care through the Utah Pregnancy After Loss Program at 人妻中出视频 of...