You want to learn more about protein, but after some research on the Internet, you are just confused. How much protein do you really need? Do you need more if...
If you’re searching for a great career in medicine, becoming a physician assistant (PA) might be your answer. Amid growing pressures for more cost-effective treatment options, demand for physician assistants...
Doctors have cloned and made genetic modifications to animals, but did you know they’ve also created glow-in-the-dark dogs and flu-free chickens? We often talk about what biotechnology means for humans...
Dr. Bryce Williams is an oral surgeon, but he works in the ear, nose and throat (ENT) division. How are oral surgeons and ENT specialists related and how do they...
Smaller hospitals face unique challenges in providing the best care to their patients. In some instances, their survival depends on overcoming those challenges. Chris Thomas, CEO at Community Junction Hospital...
It seems like professional athletes are masters at performing under pressure. Sports psychologist Nicole Detling says dealing with pressure is a learned skill. She’s coached Olympic athletes through mental obstacles...
Exercise benefits your health both mentally and physically. But being mentally healthy is much more complicated than having a good diet and getting plenty of physical activity. Dr. Jason Hunziker...
Business incubators are the hottest new trend for entrepreneurs--a space where small businesses can get started without too much investment of capital, where entrepreneurs can access resources that they can't...
Someone in a restaurant has a severe allergic reaction to something they’ve just eaten and can’t breathe. Would you know what to do? Emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen explains...
Advanced heart failure can be as deadly as many cancers. Fortunately, technology has improved significantly since the first artificial heart was implanted at the ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ of Utah in 1981. Tom...
You’re hiking and you see a clear stream with what seems to be drinkable water. The question is, do you drink it? Emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen tells you...
Choking is the leading cause of unintentional injury and death in ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵren. What do kids choke on the most? Ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Jeremy Meier explains why choking...
MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) is a respiratory illness with around a 30 percent mortality rate. Symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. However, protecting yourself from the virus...
Someone with a severe tremor can have their hands shaking uncontrollably. Fact is, everybody has the potential to experience tremors in some form. Dr. Tom Miller talks with movement disorder...
Mental obstacles can be as challenging as physical ones for athletes, preventing them from accomplishing their best. To perform at peak levels athletes must learn to overcome mental obstacles. Listen...
Medical students must make the best impression on their attending physicians that they can, but doing so without being overbearing and in a short amount of time can be difficult...
Gum recession, cavities, and cancer: tobacco has serious effects on oral health. Dr. Bryce Williams discusses the negative effects of tobacco on the mouth, and why oral cancer isn’t always...
Mice severely disabled by a condition similar to multiple sclerosis (MS) could walk within two weeks following treatment with human stem cells. The study was co-led by ÈËÆÞÖгöÊÓƵ of Utah...
Watching carbs and proteins, counting calories, meal planning and preparation–eating healthy can be stressful. Dietitian Staci McIntosh talks about why you shouldn’t overthink a healthy diet, and why it’s more...
They’re becoming more available in public places–but how do you use a defibrillator machine? Dr. Troy Madsen talks about public defibrillators, when to use them, and how they might save...
Everyone feels stressed out at some point, but we don’t always know how to deal with it. Psychiatrist Dr. Jason Hunziker talks about how too much stress can lead to...
Depending on the patient, some allergy treatments work better than others. But is there a best way to treat allergies? Dr. Kevin Wilson, an ear, nose and throat specialist, talks...
AIDS is one of the most significant pubic health challenges worldwide. Professor of biochemistry Wesley Sundquist, Ph.D., researches how HIV - the retrovirus that causes AIDS - infects the body...
Preeclampsia occurs in about 5 percent of pregnancies. There is no known cure for the disorder, which is characterized by high blood pressure and a protein in the urine and...